• Lawyer graduated at the University of Buenos Aires’ School of Law and Social Sciences (1980). Participant in the Introduction to the American Law Seminar held at the South-Western Legal Foundation, Dallas, U.S.A. (1981). Received a Post-Graduation Degree in Negotiation from the Argentine Catholic University (UCA) (2002).
  • Along his professional and business activity he acted in several prime line firms and companies, both national and international. Member of the Rosenberg & Montes de Oca law firm, and partner in the Marval, O’Farrell & Mairal law firm. Director of Corporate Development and member of Vesper S.A.’s Board of Directors, a telecommunication company of Brazil; Member of Velocom Inc.’s Board of Directors, with corporate offices at Denver, U.S.A., and Director of Sociedad Latinoamericana de Inversiones S.A. (Liberman Group).
  • Founding Partner Gonzalez Lanuza & Obligado.
  • Participates in pro-bono activities through the RAP Foundation ( an the Asociación Civil Miserando ( which he is a founding member.



  • Graduated as a Lawyer from the School of Law and Social Sciences of Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires (1982). Received a Post-Graduation Degree at Universidad Católica Argentina (1999) becoming a High Technology Lawyer Specialist (Abogado Especialista en Derecho de la Alta Tecnología).
  • He carried out academic activities at Universidad Católica Argentina as professor of Civil Law I, General Part (1987-1997) and as coordinator in the Specialization Course in High Technology Law (2001).
  • Throughout his professional career he assumed positions at law offices, as member of both Obligado & Navarro Ocampo and Pueyrredón, Gregorini & Fortín; as Director of Legal Affairs of Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul of the Argentine Republic.
  • Advisor and consultant for the Ministry of Education for special projects approved by the CFI -Consejo Federal de Inversiones.
  • He took active part in the design of the Cooperation Plan for Distance Learning between Télé-université du Québec (Canada) and Instituto San Vicente de Paul (Argentina) and is currently acting as Executive Director of this cooperation agreement.
  • He is specialized in foreign trade business, negotiation and resolution of complex conflicts related to both Family Law and Agricultural Law.
  • Founding Co-Partner Gonzalez Lanuza & Obligado.



  • Abogado recibido en la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (2009). Matriculado en el Colegio de Abogados de la Capital Federal desde 2010.
  • Perfeccionó sus estudios con cursos complementarios sobre inglés jurídico, impuestos, derecho de daños, familia, laboral, y administrativo.
  • En 2015 completa un Postgrado sobre Relaciones de Familia y Sucesiones en el nuevo Código Civil y Comercial (CCC). El mismo año atiende a cursos sobre actualización del nuevo CCC brindados por el Colegio de Abogados de la Capital Federal y la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.
  • A lo largo de su actividad profesional se desempeñó en los estudios Cartell & Murray, Wechsler & Olguín, y González Lanuza & Obligado; atendiendo asuntos para empresas, particulares y organizaciones de la sociedad civil (OSC), de índole estratégica (preventiva) y/o conflictiva, aplicando conocimientos sobre derecho Civil, Comercial, Laboral y Administrativo.
  • Desde 2014 es Socio de González Lanuza & Obligado.
  • Realiza actividades pro-bono para la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul de la República Argentina, y es miembro fundador y Secretario de la Asociación Civil Miserando (


Melissa Domit

  • Lawyer graduated in Brazil (2001). Received Post-Graduation Degrees in business management (2003) and administrative law (2006) in Brazil. She has large experience in the construction industry area, as a lawyer in Techint’s Group Brazil, for more than five years.
  • Participated of some legal committees of brazilian associations as ABEMI (Brazilian Association of Engineering Industry) in questions related to Petrobrás and Companhia Vale do Rio Doce.
  • Nowadays she is living in Argentina and is working on the recognition of her diploma in the Country.
  • Languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish fluently. Large knowledge of the brazilian and argentine cultures.


  • Contadora Pública recibida en la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (2001). LLM en Derecho Tributario en la Universidad Torcuato Di Tella (2010).
  • A lo largo de su actividad profesional se desempeñó como asociada senior del departamento de derecho tributario de Marval, O’Farrell & Mairal. Anteriormente, trabajó en KPMG en el departamento de tax & legal y en el sector de impuestos internacionales como analista impositivo senior.
  • Betiana se especializa en planificación fiscal, tanto familiar como societaria y asesora clientes nacionales e internacionales.
  • Es miembro del Consejo Profesional de Ciencias Económicas de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires y de la Asociación Argentina de Estudio Fiscales.